Naturopathic Medicine


“ Above all, it honors the body’s innate wisdom to heal and gives patients the tools for lifelong wellness”- Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges

I’ve often heard of naturopathic medicine from my more enlightened friends. The concept of a physician who looks at more natural and earthy ways never piqued my interest.  But as I gravitate towards the more natural things in life and am exposed to and appreciate the bare simplicity of the earth and the healing it brings, such as Shinrin-Yoku or forest bathing. My curiosity about naturopathic medicine has ignited. I’m sick of the constructed facades that surround me, looking to feel more spiritually fulfilled and heartily healthy. This has led me to do research into the naturopathic medicine realm.   In 1800, naturopathic medicine traveled across the Atlantic ocean, from Germany. Since its arrival the field has expanded and is becoming quite popular in the United States with a re-emergence of popularity in the 1970s

So what exactly is naturopathic medicine? Naturopaths treat the whole individual on several levels.  Naturopathic training is based on a wide variety of areas, not only science based aspects of the individual but the exploration into the power of nature, and human nature, such as flower essences, death and dying, the elements of man, essential oils, and iridology, etc. Naturopathic remedies seek to heal the body naturally. It doesn’t look to mask the issues within, but aims to promote the body's own healing rituals.

Naturopathic doctors (naturopaths) seek to heal holistically, diving  into the mind, body, and soul of the individual. At the core of their practice are six core values, they include:

  1. Do No Harm

  2. Pursue the Healing power of Nature

  3. Identify and treat Causes

  4. Doctor as Teacher

  5. Treat the whole Person

  6. Prevention

Naturopath doctors are trained for four years, learning the detailed traits of the body, along with natural healing power provided by the earth. Naturopathic physicians can help counsel  individuals seeking to tap into the deeper needs, encouraging preventive measures, and coaching through spiritual needs.  Most people seek naturopaths because they take time to individualize the process,  providing a unique experience for each of their clients needs. Naturopaths know “integrative and complementary approaches” of healing and are aware of and trained in rigorous behavioral medicine and clinical nutrition. They can use natural remedies for healing, suggest nutritional transitions, and create individualized flower essence blends. They often assist the individual with a wide spectrum of inquiries. These include and are not limited to:

  • Allergies

  • Fertility 

  • Chronic pain 

  • Digestive issues

  • Heart Disease

  • Fertility Problems

  • Cancer

  • Autoimmunity

  • Chronic conditions 

  • Hormone Regulation

  • Overall health 

Though it was already stated once, I have become drawn to naturopathic medicine due to its well rounded approach and its depth for tapping into a bigger scope, and bigger questions that this life has to offer. I’m looking forward to booking my first appointment with our new Naturopath at Solara Wellness, Denise.  I’m excited to receive the support in my wellness endeavors and I hope that you also step out of that comfort zone and do something nurturing for yourself.

Solara Wellness is a cheerleader for those looking to maximize their health. And now that we have a Naturopathic Physician added to our team, we have the tools to level up and meet those holistic health goals. We look forward to assisting in your health journey.  And we are excited to experience this exciting chapter of  growth with you, at  Solara Wellness!   Schedule your appointment for better health today by calling 517-388-1507.