Auricular Acupuncture for Detoxification

If the word acupuncture makes you uneasy you aren’t alone! The fact is though that these needles are much smaller than what we think of when we hear the word “needle”. Fifty to seventyfive acupuncture needles can fit into one hypodermic needle (a shot), which has an angled hollow tip unlike acupuncture needles which are solid and surprisingly quite relaxing. The word “auricular'' refers to the ear. Acupuncture is the Chinese medicine practice of tiny needles inserted into acupoints on the body and has a variety of benefits. More specific information about full body acupuncture is found on our website.  On Amazon you can also find the book, Acupuncture Points Handbook: A Patient's Guide to the Locations and Functions of over 400 Acupuncture Points. This book is a wonderful guide for in depth information about points, acupuncture meridians, and how it works. This form of healing can cultivate many wonderful benefits for individuals. The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) has a five point auricular technique for the assistance of mental health, addiction, emotional trauma, and disaster. Solara Wellness has Acu Detox specialists in addition to Licensed full body acupuncturists. Walk in for a 20 minute acupuncture session as available (call ahead recommended), or book a full consultation to specifically address your health and healing goals. 

The NADA is a non-profit focused on encouraging community and behavioral health. The auricular points help to minimize cravings for drugs, (for example nicotine, and alcohol), through auricular acupuncture. These specific acupoints help cultivate calmness, and provoke healthier sleeping patterns. The points also assist with stress and trauma. The NADA protocol is a perfect starting point for acupuncture, (pun intended), with a budget friendly and time saving experience.  If you are looking for treatment for a more specific health condition be sure to book a full body acupuncture session, this gives you the opportunity to consult with your acupuncturist and come up with a plan specifically tailored to you and your goals. If you’re curious about acupuncture but don’t want to commit to a full custom treatment, come in and try a mini auricular session. 

The auricular NADA points include five specific ear acupuncture points.

Liver -  This point usually focuses on supporting eye disease, muscle spasms, spiritual quality of hope, and resolving aggression. 

Kidney- A point used to strengthen the cerebrum, hematopoietic system( the system of the body that focuses on lymph nodes, tissue, bone marrow etc.), and kidneys. Associated with feelings such as  will power, overcoming fear, and coping with new growth.

Lung - Point used for excessive sweating, respiratory qualities and the grieving process.

Shen Men - Produces a sedative feeling, supports sleeping, and  anti-allergic effects. Point used for Neuropsychiatric support. This point is the spirit gateway in acupuncture. It has a calming and relaxing effect on the mind and body.

Sympathetic - This point focuses on reducing the flight, fight,or flee instinct trigger. This point is also used for numerous diseases with the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

The NADA protocol combines the accumulation of points and can assist in the many emotions and body functions that take place during the detoxification process. If you are looking for prolonged stress and detoxification support ear seeds can also be places to extend the effects of the auricular acupoints. Ear seeds are placed in the same NADA points, helping to support the detoxification journey. For more information about ear seeds please check out our blog.